28/10/2019 ~ 04/11/2019

SINOVATE (SIN) will be providing a summary of news, progress and project development on a weekly basis. This article serves as the latest version of an on-going series, keeping our community informed on all things SIN:


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Binance Info’s V Label project SINOVATE (SIN)

See our recently updated Weekly Report via the Binance Info website.

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SINOVATE Roadmap V3 release date confirmed

The keenly anticipated SINOVATE Roadmap V3will be released on 11th November 2019. The SIN Team has been hard at work perfecting new technology and proof of concepts, adding to the vast array of use cases already implemented. SINOVATE endeavors to stay ahead of the game by constantly evolving, creating and building the best Blockchain advancements available today. Stay tuned for further details.https://cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?type=text%2Fhtml&key=a19fcc184b9711e1b4764040d3dc5c07&schema=twitter&url=https%3A//twitter.com/cmcal_bot/status/1190783964807618562&image=https%3A//i.embed.ly/1/image%3Furl%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fpbs.twimg.com%252Fmedia%252FEIaDtE9WsAApS62.jpg%253Alarge%26key%3Da19fcc184b9711e1b4764040d3dc5c07

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SINOVATE Core Wallet: Additional Teaser

Above is an additional teaser of the upcoming SINOVATE Core Wallet. Previously, we provided a snippet of how Infinity Node statistics will be displayed in real time. This feature has since been upgraded, to include remaining days left for Infinity Nodes to achieve return on investment. Links to the SINOVATE Website, Discord Server, Telegram Channel and Twitter Page will also be available, for ease of access to our communication channels and social media platforms. Further details regarding release of the new Core Wallet will be published in due course.

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SINOVATE achieves Top 5 Social Media ranking on Omni Analytics Group

SINOVATE are proud to have achieved a Top 5 (4th to be exact!) Social Media ranking on Omni Analytics Group,who have analysed the correlation between market cap and Twitter presence for all Masternode cryptocurrencies during the last 2 years. We continue to grow exponentially, thanks to the continuous and sustained efforts of the SINOVATE Team to market and promote our project globally. SIN’s fantastic community drives our passion to succeed, and establish ourselves within the crypto sphere for the foreseeable future. Thank you for your amazing support.


We continue to experience high growth across all social media and communication channels:

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On-going development continued, with notable updates implemented:


  • The world’s first algorithm, allowing reward candidates to be determined via the BurnFundTx height. Stability of the SINOVATE Network will substantially increase, as candidates will be deterministically identified. Unstable nodes means this cannot be easily achieved by traditional Masternodes

In progress:

  • Lock reward
  • Remove Komodo code

Monthly Update

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Our latest Monthly Report can be accessed in various formats:

October 2019 Monthly Report Medium

October 2019 Monthly Report Blog


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The latest Financial Statement is also available to view:

October 2019 Financial Statement Medium

October 2019 Financial Statement Blog

Join us and stay tuned for all forthcoming updates via our website and social media platforms:

Website . Discord . Telegram . Bitcointalk Twitter Facebook .Linkedin.YouTube.Team.

Author:Amit Kaushal