SINOVATE (SIN) provides a summary of news, progress, and project development every week. This article serves as the latest version of an on-going series, keeping our community informed on all things SIN. SINOVATE is delighted to confirm that the highly anticipated AURORA Mainnet and Deterministic Infinity Node (DIN) 1.0 integration will go live at block height 550.000, marking the successful transition from the Dash legacy masternode code currently implemented by infinity nodes to the first of its kind, superior Deterministic Infinity Nodes DIN codebase. Greater rewards for MINI Node owners, substantially increased stability, enhanced economic prosperity and much more will be available to network participants.

No major bugs were reported during the public testnet phase, which is a testament to the fantastic work conducted by our development team to create the most cutting-edge codebase available in the cryptocurrency sphere. The official AURORA mainnet go-live date will be announced shortly. Stay tuned to our discord and telegram channels for further details. Please stay at home, follow the rules, and most importantly stay safe.


SINOVATE website in Polish and French goes live

The recently redesigned SINOVATE website is now available in Polish and French. Smooth, stylish, and beautifully designed, our new website enables total ease of navigation and rapid access to all aspects of our project. Stay tuned for further announcements as and when they happen via our discord and telegram channels.

SINOVATE publishes Light Whitepaper in French

SINOVATE has published its Light Whitepaper in French. This includes detailed information regarding the big data problem, innovations and solutions, tokenomics, our business and marketing strategy, milestones achieved to date, and much more. The extended 130-page SINOPEDIA version is also in the works and will be available in multiple languages in due course.


SINOVATE awarded Most Exciting Data Protocol during the HackerNoon Noonies 2020

SINOVATE is delighted to have been awarded first place as the Most Exciting Data Protocol during the Noonies Tech Awards 2020, as recently revealed by HackerNoon. SINOVATE also finished as runner-up in the Most Exciting Data Storage And Sharing Project category.

With over 12,000 contributing writers and 4,000,000 + monthly readers, the HackerNoon news source will elevate our marketing efforts to unprecedented levels and provide significant exposure to all aspects of our project worldwide. Check out this excellent article by our Operating Officer, Community Leader, and investor Tamer Dagli for further details. The SINOVATE team wishes to thank our fantastic community for voting and making mass adoption of our offerings one step closer.


We continue to experience high growth across all social media and communication channels: STATS



ec5fda8 Updated in-wallet 1 click guide – hardwarewise.

e87e618 Updated – hardwarewise.

8e1a8c3 Updated – hardwarewise.

5b500e9 Updated Double-Run Guide – hardwarewise.

f002869 D.I.N. Setup Guide for Mainnet – hardwarewise.

1ae35f4 D.I.N. VPS install script for mainnet – hardwarewise.

4279fbb [hco] Don’t let users lock more than 75k SIN – giaki3003.

42f3759 Some visual bugs have been fixed. – hardwarewise.

0bb30ba [qt] Don’t let users lock in HCo before block 5… – giaki3003.

60eb627 ClientIDValue tag displayed only after Login. – hardwarewise.

534d5c6 Rename to din_install… – hardwarewise.

904aab1 NodeSetup added message of invoice paid with balance – MIPPL.

650324d NodeSetup fixed bug with re-used burntx, unlock w… – MIPPL.

03a2396 NodeSetup burntx combo ordering – MIPPL.

904aab1 NodeSetup added message of invoice paid with balance – MIPPL.

650324d NodeSetup fixed bug with re-used burntx, unlock w… – MIPPL.

03a2396 NodeSetup burntx combo ordering – MIPPL.

07f910c Created release-notes-1.0.0 – hardwarewise.

63cf7ac Updated masternodelist.ui – hardwarewise.

e84c438 [din] Made sure we free this malloc too – giaki3003.

4d4b75d [din] Destoryed scratch spaces on MuSig session c… – giaki3003.

9fdf916 [din] Formatting fixes and mini node rewards in… – giaki3003.

5b21f12 [din] Implemented an atomic index for aggressive … – giaki3003.

d941029 [din] Added external signing API for non-custodia… – giaki3003.

dd1e57d [testnet] Bumped proto so it aligns with previous… – giaki3003.

In progress:

Infinity Node 1.0

  • Revolution of node structures.
    • Pure new custom code.
    • Deterministic Infinity Node infrastructure.
    • Schnorr Signatures.
    • Double run in mainnet.
  • IDS — Step 1
  • Incorruptible Data Storage.
    • SIN Messenger (Decentralized Direct Messaging).
    • Blockchain-based Electronic Mail.

Blockchain Stats

Our latest Monthly Report can be accessed on Medium:

September 2020 Monthly Report Medium


The latest Financial Statement is also available to view:

September 2020 Financial Statement Medium

Join us and stay tuned for all forthcoming updates via our website and social media platforms:

Website Discord . Telegram . Bitcointalk . Twitter . Facebook .Linkedin. Team.YouTube.Reddit.Instagram.

Author: Amit Kaushal